Free Clip Art of Jesus Reaching Down From Heaven

On this page you detect many beautiful pictures of Jesus Christ, painted by several Christian artists worldwide. These images of Jesus are under copyright, so be careful not to use them without obtaining written permission from the artists. The purpose of this list of Jesus paintings is to inspire you with the person of Jesus Christ. Enjoy these Jesus pictures and share them with your friends, so they can also have a fresh run into with Jesus Christ.

Pictures of Jesus, by Greg Olson

Greg Olson is an infrequent artists, who doesn't but portray Jesus in a serious way, but he as well expresses the beloved of God. These images of Jesus show us something of the wonderful person who Jesus Christ truly is: full of honey, purity, pity and ability, helping, guiding and saving us. When nosotros obey His command to honey one another, then His beloved volition transform our entire being and change the world around us. Jesus Christ is the perfect image of God, showing the states who God is and how nosotros tin can get to know God every bit our Father and best Friend.

Jesus Christ is the Ane who gives us true peace and joy, and who turns our darkness into vivid low-cal.

Visit the website of Greg Olson, to buy his Jesus paintings, for your habitation, church or office.

picture jesus christ greg olson light world

Jesus Christ is the lite of the world, who brings His light in our hearts, so nosotros also become vivid shining lights in this world.

'I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me volition never walk in darkness, but will take the lite of life.' (John 8:12)

picture jesus christ greg olson joy lord

Most Jesus paintings are very serious, only in fact Jesus Christ was filled with the wonderful JOY OF THE LORD!When He invites us to follow Him, He invites us to find what true happiness is: existence a beloved child of the Father, who is the source of life and the giver of all that is adept, the one who fulfills His promises to us, and who gives us the glorious and victorious Kingdom of God.

Knowing God is knowing joy!

Jesus was able to endure the horrible suffering of the cross, because He had his optics fixed on the joy of seeing you lot and me be set free from darkness and come habitation in His arms of love.

'For the joy set before him he endured the cantankerous, scorning its shame, and sat down at the correct hand of the throne of God.' (Hebrews 12:2)

pictures of jesus greg olson door

This motion picture of Jesus continuing at the door, visualizes one of the virtually important verses in Scripture:

'Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if whatever human hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.'(Revelation three:xx)

Jesus Christ invites us to step out of a lukewarm religious 'church-going' lifestyle to truly KNOWING HIM, living with Him, having intimate fellowship with Him. Then we will experience the lite, the life, the joy and the freedom He so longs to give us…

pictures of jesus greg olson way of joy

This Jesus image shows that although both Jesus Christ and John the baptist (human at the left) suffered a lot during their life, in order to bring the Kingdom of God on earth, they also had a lot of fun. Greg Olson writes it beautifully:

'The life they promoted was the way of joy, the way to truly be happy. Not through a somber life of piousness and mere endurance to the end, but a life filled with gratitude, wonder, love and service, even a life filled with smiles and laughter. These are the emotions that bring united states nearer to God and each other.'

pictures of jesus greg olson hope horizon

In this picture Jesus Christ looks at the horizon, where the Sunday is rising, every bit a symbol of the ever increasing Kingdom of God. Many christians believe the lie that this world is getting darker and darker, but Jesus Christ is not the dusk, He is the dawn, the Bright Morningstar, the New Day. His kingdom increases 24-hour interval by twenty-four hour period, and His light shines in this globe more and more than, until His full glory is revealed.

The hereafter is non dark and gloomy, but incredibly bright and full of hope!

'Of the increment of his authorities and peace there will be no end. He will reign on David's throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever. The zeal of the LORD Omnipotent volition reach this.' (Isaiah 9:7)

'For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the bounding main.' (Habakuk 2:fourteen)

pictures of jesus greg olson worlds without end

This painting shows Jesus Christ looking at the heavens, which He has created… He knows the proper noun of each and every star in the universe, just every bit He knows the name of each i of us. Jesus said that even all the hairs on our head accept been counted! That gives us incredible comfort and peace, knowing that God knows everything about united states and is always full of attention for united states.

'The very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don't be agape; y'all are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows.' (Luke 12:vii)

pictures of jesus greg olson lost found

This picture of Jesus shows how He is inviting a teenager to come to Him, and find residue for his troubled soul. Young people are often severely under attack past satan and the lusts of this world. Jesus Christ is ever waging war against the powers of hell, to seek and salve those who are lost, to bring them abode in the arms of the Father, where they vest and discover truthful peace of mind and fulfillment.

'For the Son of Man has come up to seek and to save that which was lost.'(Luke 19:10)

'Come up to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give yous rest.' (Matthew xi:28)

picture jesus greg olson jerusalem

In this moving-picture show, Jesus Christ looks at Jerusalem, while thinking well-nigh what He had exclaimed over the city of God:

'O Jerusalem, Jerusalem… how oftentimes would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings…'(Matthew 23:47)

The same way He is looking at you lot and me and everyone else in the earth, total of honey and compassion, longing to bring us dwelling house, in the arms of our loving Father in sky. People so often run away from the One who loves them more than they could always dare to imagine and who tin can assist them in all their troubles.

pictures of jesus greg olson not afraid

This stunning film shows Jesus Christ helping children cross a wild and dangerous river. The same style He is helping usa, young and old, to overcome difficult situations in our lives. He is true-blue and e'er present to help us. Never doubt the presence and the love of Jesus Christ, the great Helper and Savior.

'So practice not fear, for I am with yous; do not exist dismayed, for I am your God. I volition strengthen you lot and assist you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.' (Isaiah 41:10)

pictures face jesus greg olson 1

In this epitome of Jesus, Greg Olson tried to visualize the compassionate love of Jesus Christ, who is our healer. He looks at us with tender eyes, seeing our deepest pain and He offers usa healing for both body and soul.

'When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were confused and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.' (Matthew 9:36)

picture jesus greg olson world

This amazing painting shows how Jesus Christ is full of attention for this world. Many people today think God has forgotten about us, considering they see all the suffering in our globe. Only God is total of attention, for all of usa. He knows what is happening and He is thinking always of way to reach united states of america with His eternal love and goodness. If we would just open our hearts and minds for Him, and then He could reveal who He is and we would experience His aid so much more.

'For the eyes of the LORD move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His.' (2 Chronicles 16:9)

picture jesus greg olson

This beautiful moving picture shows how Jesus Christ invites us – not to a tiresome religion, but the life of abundance, the life in freedom, the life of true love, the life of divine fruitfulness, the life of the glory of the Lord, the life of His wonderful goodness and mercy.

Jesus is the nigh beautiful person there is.When nosotros actually know Him, we will find that which truly makes us happy and fulfilled.

'I have come so that they may have life and have information technology in abundance.' (John 10:10)

'You will testify me the path of life: in your presence is fulness of joy; at your correct hand there are pleasures for evermore.' (Psalm sixteen:11)

picture jesus greg olson no greater love

In this painting nosotros run across how Jesus Christ suffered in ways we can't sympathise, while He was in the garden of Gethsemane. He realized what would happen: the sin, the guilt, the demonic oppression of entire mankind would come upon Him.

He would get the very Lamb of God, and He would exist literally slain for the sins of the world.

The Bible says He started sweating blood, that'southward how intense the fear and turmoil was, He went through. Merely He persevered, considering His deep beloved for us is stronger than His fear of the torture He would have to go through, in order to relieve u.s..

What a love! And this dear is here for you, right now…

picture jesus greg olson take my hand

The final painting past Greg Olson shows united states a major secret of knowing God. Jesus Christ said He didn't crave from us to go total of religious knowledge. He said we may but become as a little child: open, trusting, vulnerable and spontaneous. When we become like niggling children, our hearts are opened upward to know Jesus Christ and experience the kingdom of God in our lives. It's all most beingness real, wearing no religious masks, only truly exist who we are, without faking annihilation.

'Truly, I say to you lot, unless you turn and go like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.' (Matthew 18:iii)


Do y'all long to experience the comprehend of Jesus?

painting picture image jesus christ love

If y'all sign up to GOD IS Real, you will receive astonishing and life irresolute messages, directly from the heart of Jesus Christ. These prophetic messages will assist you feel the overwhelming dearest of God, in a way you never dreamed possible. This is what people accept said, about GOD IS REAL:

"I experience comforted, rejoiced, filled with tears and built in religion when I read the mail service from you."

"I exercise similar to read your writings every bit they comfort me. They also bring tears to my eyes."

"Sometimes when I read your emails I cry over them, that's how much they touch me."

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"I was heart cleaved and after reading GOD IS REAL I felt like all the chains were loosened."

"I was so much troubled and after I read this message today, I experience tonnes of happiness in me."

Do you long to feel the securely loving touch and comprehend of Jesus Christ as well? Then sign up to GOD IS REAL. It's 100% free, so don't hesitate. God will amaze you with His wonderful goodness and love and He will fill your middle to overflowing!


Pictures of Jesus,by Howard Lyon

Howard Lyon is an extremely gifted artist, whose paintings sometimes literally look like photographs. He is able to paint the emotions and psychology of people in a stunning manner. His pictures of the face up of Jesus prove a real depth of personality, revealing to usa that Jesus Christ was indeed the Son of Human being. He was God who became a human, just similar you and me. However, he was full of the love, and goodness of God, to testify us who God truly is: a Father who deeply cares for us.

Visit the website of Howard Lyon, to buy his stunning and very inspiring artworks.

picture face jesus howard lyon 2

pictures face jesus howard lyon

pictures jesus howard lyon fear faith

Spotter the inspiring video about this stunning painting of Jesus who calms the tempest:


Pictures of Jesus, past Lars Justinen

Lars Justinen is the owner of the world's largest online shop for christian images. He helps christian worldwide find christian images, to illustrate their messages. I really like the mode Lars paints the face of Jesus Christ. At that place is both wisdom, life, peace and joy in Jesus' eyes.

Buy christian images at the website of Lars.

jesus saves

pictures jesus face painting

pictures face jesus lars justinen

Eyes full of wisdom

I similar the depth in these eyes of Jesus Christ. Often paintings of Jesus are lifeless, particularly the one-time paintings from centuries ago, evidence Jesus equally a man without emotions. In this paradigm Lars Justinen was able to give real personality to the portrait of Jesus. His eyes show a depth of wisdom and insight.

pictures jesus heaven

Painting of Jesus as God

The main authentication of Jesus Christ is that He is the Word of God who became flesh. The Discussion of God is God himself, says the apostle John. Jesus Christ is far more than merely a prophet or good instructor, He is God Himself, Who became a human existence like you and me, to reveal His love to the states.

'In the offset was the Word, and the Discussion was with God, and the Discussion was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were fabricated; without him zilch was made that has been made.' (John 1:1-iii)


Picture of the smile of Jesus,by Tahnja

picture face jesus smile world

Christian artist Tahnja painted this film of a grin Jesus, because her girl asker her to. I believe information technology is one of the most beautiful paintings of Jesus ever made: and then pure, vivid and childlike – exactly the way Jesus Christ Himself is.

You tin can buy this beautiful artwork on Tahnjas Deviantart page.


Flick of Jesus, past Nancy Lee Moran

This painting is one of my all fourth dimension favorite pictures of Jesus Christ. It shows then much of Him, just as I know Him… His optics look at you with such love and joy. He doesn't have this angry, judging look, some would expect Him to have. Yes He does wait with eyes of fire, that run into correct into the depths of our souls. But He also looks at u.s.a. equally our true Friend, on whom nosotros can always rely.

Every bit I have stated on this page again and again: when Jesus Christ invites us, information technology is non into a boring, controlling religion. No, not at all. He invites us to discover the life He has for us. True abundant life. He is the giver of life. He layed down His life to give us freedom and peace.

He restores our soul, He heals or heart, He mends our wounds… and He makes u.s.a. fly as eagles again.

'Come up to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will requite you residuum.' (Matthew xi:28)

Visit the website of Nancy Lee Moran, to purchase her stunning and very inspiring paintings.

picture jesus nancy lee moran


Picture of Jesus, by Mark Keathley

What I similar about this picture of Jesus, is the sparkling smile in His eyes… It speaks to me almost the wisdom, the peace and the joy of Jesus Christ. His optics don't just expect at something or someone, but His eyes SEE…

Visit the website of Mark Keathley, to buy his images, for your home, church or office.

picture jesus face mark keathley


Picture of Jesus, by Bob Berran

The first time I saw this movie of Jesus, it immediately struck me, considering of the joy and life information technology radiates. I tin can imagine when Jesus Christ invited His disciples to follow Him, He didn't look as stern and boring as some paintings show Him.

Jesus Christ offers us abundant life.

'I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.'(John ten:10)

Visit the website of Bob Berran, to purchase his art, for your home, church or role.

picture jesus bob berran


Pictures of Jesus past Michael Belk

A successful fashion lensman stepped aside from the world of money and fame, to make a serial of professional person photographs that show the relevance of Jesus Christ in our modern world.

Visit the website of Michael Belk, to buy his images, for your home, church or office.

The Winning Hand


Rest For The Weary


Pictures of Jesus by unknown artists

I haven't been able to discover the artists of these 2 wonderful pictures of Jesus. If anyone seeing this tin can help, please contact me. Thank you.

pictures face jesus laughing

Jesus Christ is total of joy.

pictures face jesus open

Moving-picture show of the confront of Jesus Christ.

jesus lifts us up

Jesus Christ came to save the lost.

jesus nazareth to the world

Jesus Christ is the savior of the globe.

picture jesus christ light

Jesus Christ is the light of the world, and He offers the light of life.

"I am the low-cal of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." (John 8:12)

picture jesus smiling

Picture of the face of Jesus laughing.

picture face jesus

Picture of the face of Jesus Christ, in which we can encounter the depth of His beingness.


Pictures of Jesus beingness baptized

Jesus Christ was baptized in the Jordan, by the prophet John the Baptist. When Jesus rose from the water, the Holy Spirit came upon Him in the form of a dove. His Father spoke with a loud voice that sounded like thunder: 'This is My Son, in whom I am well pleased.' This baptism in water and in the Holy Spirit, followed by the public affidavit of His identity and calling by His heavenly Father, prepared Jesus for the bully challenge He was nearly to face up: existence without food for 40 days in the desert, where He would be tempted past satan, to give up His calling and choose an easier style.

pictures of jesus baptism holy spirit

pictures of jesus baptism spirit


Pictures of Jesus healing the ill

These pictures of Jesus show Him while doing what He did most of the time: healing the sick. Many christians think that Jesus only healed the ill now and then, only the Bible says that Jesus Christ always healed all the sick who came to Him. He never turned a sick person abroad – never! And He never fabricated anyone sick – never! He always healed them: the blind, the deaf, the demonized, the lame, the mentally sick, etc.

"Keen crowds came to him, bringing the lame, the bullheaded, the crippled, the mute and many others, and laid them at his feet; and he healed them." (Matthew 15:xxx)

He showed the perfect will of the Father: restoration, deliverance, life in abundance, freedom,… God is a good God, who wants us to enjoy the life He is giving us.

pictures of jesus healing boy

pictures of jesus healing light world

The miracles of Jesus are an expression of the honey of God for all of u.s.a..

When we are healed by Jesus Christ, we know He truly cares and He is so expert that He removes the chains of suffering from us and surrounds us with songs of deliverance. Today Jesus is likewise healing the sick, all over the earth. Visit the page modern day miracles to discover out more than nigh what Jesus Christ is doing in our time.

pictures of jesus healing blind man


Pictures of Jesus raising the dead

Jesus not only healed the sick, He also raised the dead. Many people die before their time, while God's plan for them is to alive longer and relish life. Jesus Christ raised several people from the expressionless and gave them back to their beloved ones. He gave the command to His followers to do the same. Death is not always natural, only can besides be inflicted by satan and his demons. Jesus called the devil the one who comes to 'kill, steal and destroy'. Jesus said: 'But I take come so you would take life in abundance.'

Today people are also existence raised from the dead, through the prayer of christians who believe and obey the words of Jesus.

pictures of jesus healing girl

pictures jesus raising dead lazarus

pictures of jesus healing raising dead


Pictures of Jesus teaching and preaching

pictures jesus preaching

pictures jesus sermon mount

pictures jesus preaching mount

pictures jesus samarithan woman

pictures jesus mary martha


Pictures of Jesus at the cantankerous

pictures jesus carrying cross

pictures jesus crucifixion

pictures jesus cross suffering

pictures jesus cross

pictures jesus beating

pictures jesus golghota

pictures jesus mother

pictures jesus sketch


Pictures of the resurrection of Jesus

picture jesus resurrection


Pictures of Jesus forgiving sinners


jesus embrace


picture jesus cross sinner

person forgiven


Christian wall art about Jesus Christ

The Christian wall art by David Sorensen helps yous experience the dear, grace and presence of Jesus Christ in our daily life. It is available as fine fine art print or as stretched canvas print, in different sizes.

christian wall art decor - Gods love for sinners

This Christian wall art shows the unmarried reason why God became man and died on the cross for us: He loves usa so much, He was wiling to suffer great for the states, so nosotros could exist restored into His presence.

Order this Christian wall art here!

christian wall art decor canvas - Lion of Judah, lamb of God

This Christian wall decor is very popular, considering it shows Jesus Christ both every bit the Lamb of God who was slain for the sins of the world, and as the Lion of Judah, who is reigning in the eternal kingdom of God.

Order this Christian wall art hither!

christian wall art decor canvas - Jesus Christ is risen!

This Christian wall decor helps you realize the eternal victory of Jesus Christ over sin, satan and sickness. He rose from the dead and is now able to give eternal life to all of u.s., who believe in Him. Use this powerful Christian wall fine art to remind yourself and others of the wonderful victory of Jesus Christ over the powers of darkness. He truly is Lord over all.

Gild this Christian wall fine art hither!

christian wall art decor canvas - Who is Jesus?

This Christian wall art reminds us of the many dissimilar aspects of the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the Savior of the earth, the Lamb of God, the Name above all names, the Lord of lords, the Truth, the Fashion and the Life, the Healer and the one who gives the states eternal Life.

Club this Christian wall art!

christian wall art decor canvas - Jesus Christ is Lord

This unique Christian wall art shows the lordship of Jesus Christ. He is the King of kings who reigns, and who has all authority in heaven and on earth. In the Bible a lion is often used as a symbol for the kingship of God and the ability of His vocalization.

Club this Christian wall fine art!


Practise y'all long to feel the comprehend of Jesus?

painting picture image jesus christ love

If you sign upward to GOD IS Existent, you will receive astonishing and life changing letters, straight from the heart of Jesus Christ. These prophetic messages will help yous experience the overwhelming love of God, in a way y'all never dreamed possible. This is what people have said, virtually GOD IS Real:

"I feel comforted, rejoiced, filled with tears and built in organized religion when I read the post from you lot."

"I do like to read your writings as they condolement me. They also bring tears to my eyes."

"Sometimes when I read your emails I weep over them, that's how much they touch me."

"I am so encouraged this morning and I feel cracking joy in my heart. I love reading this!"

"I was heart broken and after reading GOD IS REAL I felt like all the chains were loosened."

"I was so much troubled and afterward I read this message today, I feel tonnes of happiness in me."

Do you long to experience the deeply loving touch and embrace of Jesus Christ as well? Then sign up to GOD IS REAL. It's 100% gratuitous, then don't hesitate. God volition astonish you with His wonderful goodness and beloved and He will fill your heart to inundation!



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