This tutorial explains the specifics of drawing anime and manga way hair in iii/4 view. It provides two sets of examples for each hairstyle, one static and 1 dynamic (bravado in wind).

Anime hair drawing 3/4 view
Anime pilus drawing iii/four view

Before looking at this tutorial yous may want to see (if y'all haven't done so already):

  • How to Draw Anime Hair Bravado in the Current of air
  • How to Describe Anime Male Hair Step by Step

Drawing hair in 3/four view is actually non that much more difficult than cartoon pilus from the forepart or side. You can apply the technique of splitting it upwardly into tree bones sections (explained in more detail in the tutorial linked to a higher place).

The three parts that hair volition exist split up into in this tutorial volition be:

  • Front Section
  • Side Sections
  • Dorsum/Tiptop Section

If you are going to exist post-obit along using pencil and paper be sure to make calorie-free lines as you will need to erase parts of the cartoon as yous move from one stride to another.

You tin darken your lines by tracing over them later you are sure everything is in the right place.

It'southward also recommended that you read over the drawing instructions for the starting time hairstyle equally they are slightly more than detailed. The other example have less caption to avoid repetition.

For a tutorial on drawing facial feature from this angle encounter:

How to Depict an Anime Female Face three/iv View

How to Draw Natural Brusk Hair in three/4 View Footstep by Footstep

Anime hair 3/4 view drawing step by step
Anime hair 3/4 view cartoon pace past stride

This outset instance is of adequately short female hair fatigued in large clumps every bit is typical for an anime/manga way.

Step 1 – Depict the Head

Earlier drawing the hair information technology's a good idea to describe a bones outline of the head equally shown in the example above. Creating a cartoon of the head will make information technology easier to determine the volume of the pilus and can assistance you avoid making mistakes.

Step two – Depict the Hairline

After drawing the head add the hairline (once more every bit shown in the example). The hairline will help you decide where to place the front and side sections of the pilus. For instance the splits in the pilus clumps (areas between which the skin is visible) should not actually go up by the hairline.

Step 3 – Draw the Front Section of the Pilus

For this hairstyle start with the front department of the hair. Depict the middle clumps pointing more than downwards and the side clumps pointing more towards their respective sides.

Stride 4 – Draw the Side Department of the Hair

Add the side section with the one in the background partially hidden by the head. Erase the hairline later on you're done with this pace.

Step 5 – Draw the Back/Elevation Department of the Hair

Finally add together the last section of the pilus with the top part somewhat tracing the shape of the caput and transitioning into the splits at the bottom.

Step half dozen – Finish the Hair Drawing

Anime hair 3/4 view drawing
Anime pilus iii/four view drawing

In one case you are finished cartoon the pilus erase all of the parts of the head that are covered by it so that you lot accept a squeamish and clean cartoon. If you take made light lines as was suggested at the start of the tutorial you can trace over them to brand them darker. Finally you can also apply some calorie-free shading like to the in a higher place example.

For examples of adding more than advanced shading with highlights to different hairstyles see:

How to Shade Anime Hair Step by Step

How to Draw Natural Short Hair Bravado in the Current of air in 3/4 View Footstep by Footstep

Anime hair blowing in wind 3/4 view drawing step by step
Anime hair blowing in wind iii/4 view drawing step by stride

In this example the previous curt hairstyle swill be drawn blowing in the air current.

Step 1 – Depict the Head

Again start the drawing by kickoff making a bones outline of the shape of the head.

Stride 2 – Draw the Hairline

Add the hairline as shown in the example.

Step 3 – Describe the Front Section of the Pilus

I important thing to note is that when drawing hair blowing in the wind the base of operations of each section should not really motion (sort of like information technology's taped in place).

Draw the forepart section with the base of the clumps starting from roughly the same spot every bit in the previous example but draw the shapes of the clumps swinging in the direction of the wind.

In this instance the pilus will be blowing forward and slightly to the left (side facing abroad from the viewer) in relation to the head.

Pace 4 – Depict the Side Section of the Hair

Similar to the front section draw the sides of the pilus starting from the same spot as the "static" example but swinging in the direction of the wind.

After you lot draw the sides you can erase the hairline.

Step 5 – Describe the Dorsum/Top Section of the Hair

For the terminal section of the hair you lot tin describe it pretty much the same around the top (tracing the shape of the caput).

Nevertheless the lower part of this section will exist swung forward which means the office around the visible ear volition curve more towards the head. You can as well add another a pocket-sized part of the lower/dorsum department of the hair sticking out on the far side of the head (beneath the side clump).

Pace 6 – Finish the Hair Cartoon

Anime hair blowing in wind 3/4 view drawing
Anime pilus blowing in current of air 3/4 view drawing

Finish the cartoon past erasing the parts of the head covered past the hair. You can also apply some light shading every bit washed in the example to brand the hair to stand out a little flake more.

How to Draw Ponytail Hair in three/4 View Step by Step

Anime ponytail hair 3/4 view drawing step by step
Anime ponytail pilus 3/4 view cartoon pace past step

The ponytail is some other fairly common hairstyle but the steps for drawing information technology will be slightly different than the previous examples.

Step 1 – Draw the Head

Draw a basic outline of the head.

Step two – Describe the Hairline

Add the hairline to the head cartoon every bit shown in the example.

Pace 3 – Describe the Back/Superlative Section of the Hair

Different the previous examples y'all tin can offset the ponytail hairstyle drawing with the dorsum section of the pilus.

Equally this part of the hair is pulled around the head it will not have much book so draw information technology fairly close to the head.

Erase the parts of the head covered by this section of the pilus after you're done.

Step 4 – Draw the Front Section of the Hair

Add together the front end section of the hair in adequately large clumps with the ones in the heart pointing more than down. Draw the ones on the sides pointing more towards their respective sides.

Erase the parts of the head and hairline covered past this department once finished.

Pace 5 – Describe the Ponytail

Add the ponytail shaped a bit like a question mark spitting up into several clump at the finish. From this bending a practiced portion of information technology should be hidden backside the head so describe accordingly.

Step half dozen – Cease the Hair Drawing

Anime ponytail hair 3/4 view drawing
Anime ponytail hair 3/four view drawing

To stop the pilus cartoon you lot can add only i or two folds to the ponytail similar to the example. You tin too lightly shade the hair.

How to Draw Ponytail Hair Blowing in Current of air in 3/iv View Step past Step

Anime ponytail hair blowing in wind 3/4 view drawing step by step
Anime ponytail pilus blowing in air current 3/4 view drawing step by step

Stride i – Draw the Caput

Again star the drawing with the outline of the head.

Pace two – Depict the Hairline

Add the hairline as shown in the example.

Step 3 – Describe the Back/Superlative Section of the Hair

Depict the back/height section of the hair same as in the previous "static" example of this hairstyle.

Erase the part of the head covered by information technology one time washed.

Stride 4 – Draw the Front Department of the Hair

Once again the hair will be getting blown forward and slightly to the side of the head facing away from the viewer.

Like to the first example try and draw the clumps originating from roughly the same spots equally in the static version of the pilus. Draw all of the clumps lifted upwardly but with some curving downwardly and some upwards to make the hair expect more natural.

Erase the parts of the caput and hairline covered by this section of the hair one time done.

Footstep 5 – Draw the Ponytail

Depict the ponytail swinging in roughly the same management as the hair clumps on the from section of the hair and make the splits on it's end point in random directions.

Yous can also depict a few more clumps coming out from behind information technology to brand the pilus look more messy.

Step six – Stop the Hair Drawing

Anime ponytail hair blowing in wind 3/4 view drawing
Anime ponytail hair blowing in wind 3/4 view drawing

To finish the drawing you can over again add a fold or two into the ponytail and so lightly shade the hair.

How to Describe Pigtails Hair in three/iv View Stride by Step

Anime pigtails hair 3/4 view drawing step by step
Anime pigtails hair three/four view drawing pace by step

The pigtails hairstyle volition be very like to the ponytail in the manner that it'due south drawn.

Step one – Draw the Head

Draw a basic outline of the head.

Step 2 – Depict the Hairline

Add the hairline every bit shown in the example.

Stride three – Draw the Dorsum/Meridian Section of the Hair

Similar to the pony tail start the cartoon with the back section of the hair. Since the hair will exist getting pulled in two directions (to each pigtail) draw it with 2 curves that join upwardly nearly the meridian of the caput.

Erase the part of the caput covered past this hair one time washed.

Step 4 – Draw the Front end Section of the Hair

You can draw the front department of the hair exactly the same every bit for the ponytail instance, in large clumps with the ones in the eye pointing more downwards and the ones on each side pointing more than towards their respective sides.

Erase the parts of the head/hairline covered by this hair later.

Step 5 – Draw the Pigtails

Draw the pigtails slightly wider towards the summit and narrower towards the bottom (splitting up into smaller hair clumps).

Erase the part of the head covered past the pigtail in the front in one case done.

Stride 6 – Finish the Hair Cartoon

Anime pigtails hair 3/4 view drawing
Anime pigtails hair three/4 view drawing

To stop the cartoon first add a parting line down the heart of the pilus where it's being pulled in opposite directions. Yous can draw this as pretty much a zigzag. Later on add some folds to the pigtails.

To cease the drawing you tin can too add some light shading.

How to Draw Pigtails Hair Bravado in Wind in 3/4 View Step by Step

Anime pigtails hair blowing in wind 3/4 view drawing step by step
Anime pigtails hair blowing in current of air 3/4 view drawing step past pace

Step ane – Draw the Head

Once more depict a bones outline of the caput.

Step 2 – Draw the Hairline

Add together the hairline as shown in the example.

Step 3 – Draw the Back/Top Section of the Hair

Draw the back/meridian section of the pilus equally in the previous instance (in two curves that join near the top of the head).

Erase the part of the head covered by this hair section once done.

Pace 4 – Draw the Front Section of the Hair

Once again you tin can draw the front section of the pilus as described in the ponytail case (swinging forrad and slightly to ane side of the head). Be sure to keep the origins of the clumps starting from roughly the same spot as in the static example.

Erase the parts of the head and hairline covered by this part of the hair after.

Step 5 – Draw the Pigtails

Describe both pigtails swinging in the direction of the current of air (once again forwards and slightly to the far side of the head).

Erase the office of the head covered by the pigtail in the front one time washed.

Stride 6 – Finish the Pilus Drawing

Anime pigtails hair blowing in wind 3/4 view drawing
Anime pigtails pilus bravado in wind 3/4 view drawing

Finish by adding the parting line to the upper office of the head to show that the pilus is being pulled in different directions (to each pigtail). You can likewise add some folds to each pigtail and some bones shading.

How to Draw Trimmed Hair in three/iv View Step past Step

Anime trimmed hair wind 3/4 view drawing step by step
Anime trimmed hair wind 3/4 view cartoon pace by footstep

This example is of neatly trimmed hair. If yous combine it with the back section from the "long hair" example yous tin can get the "hime cut" that is so pop in many anime.

Footstep 1 – Depict the Head

Begin by cartoon a simple outline of the caput.

Step 2 – Draw the Hairline

Add the hairline as shown in the example.

Step 3 – Depict the Front Section of the Hair

For this hairstyle you tin view the front section of the hair as pretty much one solid chunk with some dissever added into it. Some other way to retrieve of it is as the hair clumps from the other examples with the ends chopped off.

A good style to describe the forepart part of this haircut is just past making a lightly curved line for it'southward bottom and so drawing the splits on tiptop of information technology. You can and so erase the parts that have the splits.

Step 4 – Draw the Side Section of the Hair

Draw the side sections like to the ones in the offset hairstyle example simply again with their ends looking like they've been "chopped off".

You can erase the hairline once washed with this pace.

Step v – Depict the Dorsum/Top Department of the Pilus

Again like to the first hairstyle add this section somewhat following the shape of the caput about the superlative and transitioning into some clumps on the lesser (draw these with "chopped off" ends).

Footstep half-dozen – Finish the Hair Drawing

Anime trimmed hair wind 3/4 view drawing
Anime trimmed pilus wind iii/four view drawing

Erase the parts of the caput covered by the hair and add together some light shading to finish the drawing.

How to Describe Trimmed Pilus Blowing in the Air current in 3/iv View Pace by Step

Anime trimmed hair blowing in wind 3/4 view drawing step by step
Anime trimmed pilus blowing in wind 3/4 view drawing footstep by stride

When cartoon the trimmed hair in the wind you will want to describe more splits into it then in the previous example.

Stride one – Draw the Head

Over again describe a basic outline of the caput.

Step 2 – Describe the Hairline

Add together the hairline as shown in the example.

Step three – Draw the Front Department of the Hair

Once again the hair will exist blown forrad and slightly to the far side of the head.

To bear witness that the hair is bravado in the wind draw the front end section on an angle with more splits in it. You can also draw some of the longer splits with "wavy" lines.

Step 4 – Draw the Side Department of the Hair

Draw the sides bravado in roughly the same direction as the front end with more splits towards their ends as well.

You can erase the hairline after you finish this part of the drawing.

Step 5 – Draw the Back/Tiptop Department of the Pilus

Draw the upper part of this section of the hair same as for the static instance with the lower function being swept more towards the head.

Different the first hairstyle case the "back hair" in this 1 is shorter so it does not need to be shown popping out on the other side of the head.

Step six – Finish the Hair Cartoon

Anime trimmed hair blowing in wind 3/4 view drawing
Anime trimmed pilus blowing in wind 3/iv view drawing

Erase the parts of the head covered by the hair and finish the drawing past adding some calorie-free shading.

How to Draw Long Hair in three/four View Step by Step

Anime long hair 3/4 view drawing step by step
Anime long hair 3/four view drawing step by step

In this static view of the "long hair" most of it'due south lower dorsum department will non be shown because even if you were to draw out the full body it would be hidden behind the shoulders. As a event this instance is not much different from the first hairstyle.

Stride 1 – Draw the Head

Start by drawing a simple outline of the caput.

Footstep 2 – Describe the Hairline

Add the hairline as shown in the example.

Step 3 – Depict the Front Section of the Hair

Depict the front department of the hair the same as described in the showtime hairstyle instance (middle pilus clumps pointing downward side clumps pointing more to the sides).

Step 4 – Draw the Side Department of the Hair

Draw the side sections splitting into pocket-size clumps towards their ends with the one on the far side of the caput partially subconscious.

You tin erase the hairline after you're done with this step.

Step 5 – Describe the Back/Top Department of the Hair

Depict the peak part of the hair pretty much post-obit the shape of the caput so getting wider as information technology goes downwards towards the neck.

Stride half-dozen – Finish the Hair Drawing

Anime long hair 3/4 view drawing
Anime long hair iii/4 view drawing

To stop the drawing first erase the parts of the head covered by the hair and and then add some light shading.

How to Draw Long Hair Blowing in the Wind in three/4 View Pace by Step

Anime long hair blowing in wind 3/4 view drawing step by step
Anime long hair blowing in wind 3/4 view drawing step by footstep

Stride 1 – Describe the Caput

Once again draw a bones outline of the caput.

Step 2 – Draw the Hairline

Add together the hairline every bit shown in the case.

Step 3 – Draw the Front Section of the Hair

As in all of the other example the hair volition be blow forrard and slightly to the far side of the head.

Once again exist sure to draw the base of the hair clumps in roughly the same spot as for the static example only draw the clumps themselves swinging in the direction of the current of air.

Step 4 – Draw the Side Section of the Hair

Describe the sides of the hair sweeping in the direction of the wind like to the front section.

Erase the hairline after y'all finish this function of the drawing.

Stride 5 – Draw the Back/Meridian Section of the Pilus

Depict the upper part of this section of the hair following the shape of the head and the lower part waving in the direction of the wind. Add some fairly long clumps towards it'southward cease that curve in slightly different directions.

You may too want to use a little play a joke on of drawing the hair every bit though the neck is see though. This tin help insure that the two parts of the hair broken up by the neck connect properly and have a continuous flow to them.

For more on this see the example with the sword sheath in:

Mutual Mistakes When Drawing Anime & Manga

Step 6 – Finish the Pilus Cartoon

Anime long hair blowing in wind 3/4 view drawing
Anime long pilus blowing in wind 3/4 view drawing

To finish the drawing first erase the parts of the head that are covered past the hair. Next you tin can add together some hair folds (simply ane in this case). Finally you tin too add some light shading that can assist the pilus stand up out a little fleck more from the rest of the head.


Drawing hair from different angles instead of only from the front end or side view can get a little more complicated. By thinking of the hair equally beingness carve up into several dissimilar sections you can make the drawing process more manageable. You lot can attempt and estimate where each section should exist located in a particular view of the caput instead of trying to figure out what to do with one massive dodder of hair.

For more tutorials on cartoon hair besides meet:

  • How to Describe Wet Anime Hair Footstep by Pace
  • Different Means to Draw Anime Pilus Highlights
  • How to Describe Anime and Manga Hair – Female