Can I Put Halogen Bulbs in My Hid Headlight Housings

  1. lmyers

    Mar 30, 2012
    Atlanta GA
    2007 Prius
    My husband is rebuilding our 07 Prius that has HID Headlights that were both cleaved and does non want to go back with HID due to cost. He wants to install consummate Halogen Headlight assemblies from our parts machine. He has rebuilt several Prius' for friends and family unit but has not done a change like this so he understands the basic differences but is stuck on the Wiring change to handle the low and high beam differences. Wiring is not his stiff point! LOL Has anyone done this that can give specific info?
  2. I can't believe that no one has responded. I'm not sure if there is a way to convert HID to element of group vii. Have you idea almost converting the stock HID equipment to aftermarket ballasts and bulbs?
  3. lmyers

    Mar 30, 2012
    Atlanta GA
    2007 Prius
    Thanks Dave, I changed my original mail to make it clear that the Stock HIDs were both broken in the wreck and then not an option to change them over plus the balasts and the motors were broken as well and then buying aftermarket HID headlights ends up being really expensive since we accept to get the motors and balasts separately equally they don't come up in the Aftermarket ones that nosotros accept plant hither in ATL. None available locally from Salvage Yards either and with shipping from other places they stop up beingness $350ea and who knows what condition they are in as these lights tend to get a lot of road habiliment and not all of it compounds out. We have 2 dainty Element of group vii assemblies bachelor from our parts car. I gauge this is not a mutual occurrence since no one really answered a Rebuilder a few years ago either.
  4. lmyers

    Mar 30, 2012
    Atlanta GA
    2007 Prius
    Does anyone have access to wiring diagrams for these two headlight systems? That would help and I tin't seem to come upwardly with them off the net. thanks!!
  5. lmyers

    Mar 30, 2012
    Atlanta GA
    2007 Prius
    I have never seen an OEM type HID Replacement Assembly in the Aftermarket so if anyone knows of 1 of those, I would love to hear about information technology. My choices are buying from Relieve Yards or Toyota or the more than exotic angel optics etc.
  6. The reason people don't practice it is because it is like request how to brand your 55in 1080 LED Telly look more than like your tube television receiver from the seventy's. It is merely a silly thought.

    If you really want to, then buy some housings on eBay. When I did my test retrofit setup, I got almost new headlights for $30 a side shipped. If yous shop around, yous will find good deals.

    Y'all will have 3 wires on your headlights. Ordinarily a constant power source and ii switched grounds. 1 for depression axle, 1 for high beam. My recommendation since you are doing a back-asswards retrofit is to buy the plugs and recepticles online and make a dainty connector for both sides. You lot won't exist able to use your D2R connector (or D4R if you lot accept a 2006-2009) on your new crappy halogens.

  7. Justdidit

    ^^agreed. I empathize your trying to save $...but seems to be a waste. I'll see if I can discover a wiring diagram for the Discharge/Halogen headlights - merely honestly I'd but wire in the low axle and call it good for saving $.
  8. Jason McCool

    Jul thirteen, 2013
    2008 Prius
    Ok people. This isn't a back-asswards asking or a waste. This is a legitimate safety business organization considering Toyota refuses to do a recall even though the wonderful piffling HID lights take a very dangerous tendency of going out while you're driving downwards the road at night. Sometimes y'all're lucky and information technology'south just one low-cal, usually the driver side, just other times information technology'south both lights. Commonly, you can flip the lights off, then immediately dorsum on, and they come on, but that 2nd of driving in the night on twisty roads kind of sucks and makes 1 long for "retro" headlights that actually worked when you turn them on. Once both HID headlights and the fog lights went off at the same fourth dimension on my wife coming abode from work in the middle of the night. These stupid HID bulbs, at least in the 2008 Prius, terminal a fraction of the time of those wonderfully inexpensive halogen bulbs, and at several times the toll. So no, it's non a dizzy idea, it'south one I'd exercise in a heartbeat if I could, before my wife crashes coming home from her shift at midnight. I have to say getting stopped by cops when it'due south only 1 light out and it's not dark enough to discover kinda sucks besides. But I'thou sure you never idea that in that location might be a legitimate reason for wanting to modify out these worthless lights before spouting off, but we've been fighting with these horrible headlights for 3 years now, and would LOVE to replace the crappy HID with halogen.
  9. Ok I see your trouble. You lot don't understand HID technology!

    Please read the first section of this thread: Non all HID Bulbs are created equal | PriusChat

    The brusque summary is that when a bulb goes "out", fifty-fifty while driving, the seedling is dead. This is equivalent to a burnt out element of group vii. Information technology is at this betoken the bulb (preferably both, replace in pairs) should be replaced. Yes they will come back on if you turn on/off and all of that is explained if you read the higher up linked thread'south first mail.

    As for condom, hither is a comparing of halogen vs. HID on two of our vehicles. Taken within minutes of eachother so the ambient lighting was the aforementioned and taken with the same camera with the same ISO/shutter and all other options. So the picture while not exactly what happened in the real world, are very shut, and ratiometrically prove the bespeak.



  10. Justdidit

    I have a 2008 Prius and the oem HID ballasts and bulbs were problematic. But to a point where I wouldn't become to older engineering science but rather replace with a meliorate working make.

    At present with aftermarket ballasts and bulbs (55W HID Mini H1 Projector retrofit) I haven't had any issues and the lighting is still FAR superior to any factory halogen setup...and not more reliable than the manufacturing plant HID setup. I don't think information technology was the bulbs that were the consequence considering there isn't a "left or correct" bulb and its near always the rider side seedling that goes out. This is probably more related to some power inconstantance with the wiring to the ballasts on that side of the car.

    I've been pretty happy with the quality and price of the DDM kit. Replacement bulbs are only $15 per pair...

  11. Jjeffrey1

    Sep 23, 2013
    2008 Prius
  12. cthorsman

    Aug 28, 2009
    2004 Prius
    Another signal of view :)

    HID are bully for visibility from inside the vehicle.

    Barrel, I drive many two lane roads and am often blinded by the brightness of oncoming cars. Totally unable to see what is in front of me. God pity anyone on the side of the road.

  13. Justdidit

    Those are near likely ill-fitted HID in Halogen assembly'due south or well-nigh definitely non-projector HID lights. My Mini-H1 retrofit had an astonishing cut-off, way improve than the OEM HID setup.


  14. zhenya

    Sep 6, 2013
    Ithaca, NY
    2013 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    Cut-off peak is but 1 attribute of correctly designed headlamps. Fifty-fifty with a depression cutting-off there volition exist many times you are blinding oncoming traffic - when you are driving upwards-hill, over dips on dorsum roads, etc. The optics of the projector are still specific to the type of light source, and even when cut-off, you will still exist exposing other drivers to poorly controlled lighting of extreme intensity below that cutting-off.
  15. brokerdelete

    brokerdelete Junior Fellow member

    Sep 30, 2007
    2004 Prius
    I got sick and tired of the left or the right or BOTH lights going out and having to turn them back on more frequently than ever on my 2004. And not being an extremely wealthy person, I wasn't about spending money on these expensive bulbs once or twice or ever.

    Meanwhile my married woman's 2007 with Halogen bulbs (which lit up the road just fine) was working perfectly with no such safety issues, so I idea, hey, why non popular these chipped faded faulty headlights out and put in a pair of new articulate Element of group vii style units in mine? Happy I did. No more than troubles. But it's non a straight plug and play solution, and then hither'southward what I can share.

    First, I bought those female crimp plugs, the big ones that fit the 9003 H4 blazon bulb prongs. I took the GREEN wire that feeds the fog lights and hooked that upward as the running light (looking at the bulb from rear, it'southward the LEFT prong, the Acme prong is GROUND).

    Cute, nice and bright, just accept to make sure to leave the fog light band on the headlight switch turned to the on position from now on, so the headlight control works as expected. Depression Beam handled.

    Adjacent, if I e'er wanted vivid lights again, I'll demand to apply the BLUE wire which I hooked up to the Hello Axle filament which is the prong on the RIGHT rear of the H4 bulb.

    Here's the PROBLEM. The BLUE wire sends a LOW VOLTAGE feed so my High-Beams are underpowered. This is considering it's designed to send a "signal" only, to the HID brain works, when y'all select the Brights from the within of the motorcar. It does light up the High Beam filament, and since the Low Axle's are now powered by the Fog lead which goes OFF when in High Beam mode (blue calorie-free on dash), information technology functions equally information technology should... I drove around similar this using the Loftier Axle equally day-time running lights and switched to Low Beam when information technology got dark.

    LASTLY, I'g going to buy a couple relays. I'll tap into the Side Maker light (orange, side of headlight) positive wire, and make THAT the 12v FULL voltage feed for the brights. Then the BLUE wire will trigger the relay and pass the full 12 volts to the High Beam filament. Now we're done.

    This mail service was designed to share a solution that price me next to null, confirm that hey, you're Not the only one who wanted to to do this, and confirm YES information technology can indeed be done - even with no wiring diagram or degree in electronic wiring schematic reading (that mail above gave me a caput ache).

    Cost for a pair of halogen headlights assemblies near $130.00 shipped, plus wire connectors and relays nigh $xl.00 plus $xx.00 for a pair of bulbs, and you'll demand to spend almost $30 bucks at the Toyota dealership for the twist-n-lock rubber round "lids" that continue grit out. The top of a ii litre coke canteen with iii holes drilled to allow wires through and a little silicone caulk fits those OEM "lids" perfectly.

    The motorcar looks fantastic, lights the route similar when my wife's 2007 was brand new, and it took nearly 2 hours to practise (yes you lot have to remove the bumper cover, come across YouTube).

    As for Fog Lights, you take two options: You tin can keep yours, if you don't heed them coming on every fourth dimension yous turn on your Low Beams, just install a splice-connect in-line... or install a fog calorie-free push on your dash and run a new power feed to them.

    My fog lights were chipped and croaky and I don't demand/utilize them here in SoCal and so I chucked those and I put an aftermarket aluminum grille for $50 in down in that location.

    I'm :)

  16. Justdidit

    Isn't this why cars are now equipped with cocky leveling headlights?
  17. ybtl

    Mar 14, 2014
    2012 Prius v railroad vehicle
    I am considering the aforementioned changes however i take an 2003 acura tl.

    Recently took the machine to the shop to supercede $100 hid seedling. To my dismay the mechanic informed me that i need a new ballast and inverter total cost w/o buld supplant $800.

    The alternating option that he offered me was to swap the hid system for a halogen sytem which would cost $300 for both lights.

    This vehicle is my source of transportation. Since you have done the conversion do you see it as a reasonable option rather than paying the 800+ bucks?

  18. timenewton

    Just wondering, the simply recollect I can effigy out is how to fit the seedling inplace of the dr4, only could you lot just swap ballast to run hid 9003 instead?


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